Poses for the Month of December - The Year in Review

2019 Poses in Review

The time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s are so jam packed and busy, I often feel compelled to teach restorative poses just so people can have a few minutes of relaxation.  That doesn’t mean that the entire class will be restorative, it just means that we might start or end with a restorative pose or two.  In the middle, I plan on reviewing the poses that we went over this year.  Here they are in the order in which we did them:

January – Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand

Read about Shoulder Stand here.

Read about Shoulder Stand here.

February – Sirsasana I or Head Stand on forearms

Read about Head Stand here.

Read about Head Stand here.

March – Navasana or Boat Pose

Read about Boat Pose here.

Read about Boat Pose here.

April – Bakasana or Crow

Read about Crow Pose here.

Read about Crow Pose here.

May – Svarga Dvijasana or Bird of Paradise

Read about Bird of Paradise here.

Read about Bird of Paradise here.

June – Hanumanasana or Split

Read about Split here.

Read about Split here.

July – Parivrtta Parsva Konasana or Revolved Side Angle Pose


Read about Revolved Side Angle Pose here.

August- Visvamitrasana or Side Plank with lower leg lifted

Read about Visvamitrasana here.

Read about Visvamitrasana here.

September – Urdhva Dhanurasana or Wheel

Read about Wheel here.

Read about Wheel here.

October – Prasarita Padottanasana to Sirsasana II or Wide Leg Forward Fold to Tripod Head Stand

Read about the transition from Wide Legged Forward Fold to Headstand here.

Read about the transition from Wide Legged Forward Fold to Headstand here.

November – Astavakrasana or Eight Crooked Places Pose


Read about Astavakrasana here.

December – I hope you enjoy this year in review!  Also, if you have any requests for poses that you would like to work on next year, let me know in the comments below.

Revolved Side Angle Pose as a prep for Astavakrasana

Revolved Side Angle


In order to do this arm balance you need the flexibility to bend your front leg to 90 degrees in Warrior I, get your hand to the floor inside of your front leg in Side Angle Pose, have the strength to do Caturanga and have the rotational flexibility to do a twist.  I have talked about the other aspects of this pose in previous blog posts. This week, I’ll talk about twisting.


Let’s look at Revolved Side Angle as a prep pose for Astavakrasana.  In Revolved Side Angle Pose, just as in Side Angle Pose, it is important to bend the front leg to 90 degrees.   It is much easier to twist and get your elbow or arm to the opposite knee when the front leg is deeply bent. Notice, how in the picture, I have worked to get my bottom arm to the outside of the front leg

Because, Revolved Side Angle Pose is more related to Warrior I than it is to Side Angle Pose, we’ll start with Warrior I as the base.  This has to do with the fact that the hips are square to the front in Revolved Side Angle Pose and Warrior I rather than to the side as they are in Side Angle Pose.


For stability, let’s start with the back knee on the ground.  In this position it is easier to get the front leg bent to 90 degrees with the front thigh parallel to the floor.  Remember that a twist is defined as a movement between the hips and shoulders where one of those body parts stays stationary and the other part turns.  In this pose it’s the hips that are remaining stationary and the shoulders are turning.


From a low lunge position with your right leg forward, place your thumb into the hip crease of the forward leg to remind that hip to stay back and square as you rotate your torso.   On an inhalation, lift the left arm up into the air lengthening the left side of your body and on an exhalation, rotate your torso to the right brining the left elbow to the outside of the right knee.  Reach across your belly and grab your left ribs and encourage them to turn more to the right bringing your left ribs over your right thigh and trying to get your left armpit to your right knee.  Now, lengthen your spine so that the front of the body is as long as the back body, moving your right shoulder as far away from your right hip as possible.  Bring the hands in prayer in front of your heart with your left elbow or armpit outside of your right knee.  Every time you inhale create more length on the front body and every time you exhale explore your ability to rotate a little more.

Notice where your prayer hands are and lift the torso to bring the heart to the hands rather than allowing the hands to push to your right shoulder.

Stay for a few breaths with calm breathing and then try the pose to the other side. If your balance is good and you are ready, try coming into the pose a second time with your back knee lifted off of the floor in Crescent Warrior.  You can always do this version of the pose with your back heel against the wall for stability.


The rotation you develop in Revolved Side Angle Pose will help you with the rotation you need for Astavakrasana.

The Science of Yoga – Health


This post summarizes the second chapter of William J. Broad's book:  The Science of Yoga.  This chapter describes yoga's transformation from a shady and esoteric past to a modern version based on the physical benefits of the practice.

The yoga of old differed from modern yoga in many ways:  Instruction was done in private rather than in group classes and relatively few women did yoga. But the most important difference centered on the lifestyles of the men who did yoga.

  • “Yogis and holy men are potentially dangerous and an economic drain on society. “ – So says a sentence in William Broad’s chapter on Health.

  • “Yogis were often vagabonds who engaged in ritual sex or showmen who contorted their bodies to win alms – even while dedicating their lives to high spirituality.”

  • “Yogis were as much gypsies as circus performers.  They read palms, interpreted dreams and sold charms.  The more pious often sat naked – their beards uncut and hair matted – and smeared themselves with ashes from funeral pyres to emphasize the body’s temporality.”

  • “Some sects had reputations as child snatchers.  To obtain new members, they would adopt orphans and, when the opportunity arose, buy or steal children.  Understandably, good families dreaded their presence.  At times bands of yogis would prey on trade caravans and descend on merchants to extort food and money.  When hired as guards, violent orders formed what we now would call protection rackets.”

  • “Some yogis smoked ganja and ate opium.  Some carried begging bowls.  A British census put yogis under the heading of ‘miscellaneous and disreputable vagrants’.”

We all know that the word yoga means “union”.  But part of the yoga tradition centered on sex.  “Spiritually, the objective of the yogi was to achieve a blissful state of consciousness in which the male and female aspects of the universe merged into a realization of oneness.  The ancient yogis sought a divine state of consciousness ‘homologous to the bliss experienced in sexual orgasm’.”  This path was known as Tantra.

There was also a sect that practiced cannibalism.  While this was an exception, not the rule, it is a part of yoga’s past.

Another way that old yoga differs from modern yoga is in the postures, or asanas.  The Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the holy book of the fifteenth century describes the earliest record we have of yoga postures.  Most of the book describes esoteric practices which focused on stimulation of the sexual organs and how to extend the duration of lovemaking.

Mr. Broad makes a distinction between the physical practice of yoga which came to the West and the religious practice of Hinduism.  Further back, in ancient times, postural yoga referred to nothing more than sitting in a relaxed position for meditation.

In the twentieth century, India’s elite became increasingly dissatisfied with British rule and sought to create a national identity that would unify the masses, counter notions of western superiority and forge the popular will to oust the hated foreigners.

This surge in nationalism sought to revive and modernize Hinduism as a foundation for Indian national identity.  Yoga was seen as one of the potential method for this process.  But, first, it’s act needed to be cleaned up.

In 1924, Jaganath G. Gune established something new, an ashram dedicated to the scientific study of yoga.  He began to do experiments on the exaggerated claims that surrounded yoga: stopping the heart, affecting blood pressure, etc.  He also declared that yoga was fit for women.

Gune had many admirers and patrons that helped him further his cause.  One was such patron came from the Mysore palace, a city and state in southern India.  The ruling family played a skillful role in the promotion of Hindu nationalism.  Like Gune, the Mysore palace sponsored a version of yoga that was far removed from the world of Tantra and eroticism.  For decades the royal family practiced an eclectic form of yoga that drew on Indian martial arts and wrestling as well as western gymnastics and physical fitness techniques.

In 1933 the Mysore Palace hired a teacher to run its yoga hall.  This man was Krishnamacharya who is famous for producing a number of gifted students who eventually made him history’s most influential figure in Hatha yoga’s modern rise.  His passion and ideas gave rise to the two most influential yoga teachers of our time:  Patthabi Jois who developed the system of Ashtanga yoga and B.K.S. Iyengar who was known for his attention to precision and alignment.

Mr. Iyengar had been sickly all of his life but used yoga to regain his health.  In 1936 Iyengar formed a relationship with a surgeon who became a friend, supported and a knowledgeable liaison to the world of human anatomy.

In 1947 Krishnamachary took in his first female student, who was also looking to yoga to cure a heart condition.  This woman became known as Indra Devi and was instrumental along with Iyengar and Jois in bringing yoga to the west.

From the influence of men like Gune and Krishnamacharya yoga began to shed the old emphasis on magic and eroticism and to focus instead on science and health.  In 1965 Iyengar published his book Light on Yoga which quickly became the how-to bible of Hatha yoga.

Since Iyengar’s time, yoga has been studied by science and a large number of findings have come out that support some of yoga’s claims:

  • The physiological slowing from yoga can reduce stress, the heart rate and blood pressure

  • Clinical studies show that patients who do yoga have fewer hospital visits, need less drug therapy and have a smaller number of serious coronary events

  • Yoga improves balance which is important for seniors as falls are the leading cause of death by injury

  • Yoga can slow the deterioration of the spine and keep it more flexible

  • Yoga can have a positive influence on the immune system by stimulating the vagus nerve through the postures and slow breathing

  • Yoga also influences the telomeres, the tips of the chromosomes, that have something to do with the aging of the cells.

  • Yoga has cardiovascular benefits as studied and popularized by Dean Ornish

Yoga has gone from an ancient obsession with transcendence of the body to a modern crusade for a new kind of physicality.

Bound Side Angle Pose as a preparation for Astavakrasana

Bound Side Angle

Last week I talked about how Lizard Lunge was a prep for Astavakrasana.  And it is.  I am using this pose as a benchmark pose; meaning that it can tell you where you are and what you have to work on to get to the desired final pose.  In Astavakrasana, you need the flexibility of getting one knee up and over your shoulder.  You can see how close you are to doing that in Lizard Lunge.  Can you get your elbows to the floor?  If you can, then your knee is higher than your shoulder.  If you can’t, don’t worry and don’t try to force it.  Be patient and keep working on your Lizard.


Bound Side Angle is also one of those poses where you need your shoulder to be lower than your knee in order to be able to bind.   But that is not the first thing you have to look at.  The primary action is your ability to bend your front leg to 90 degrees. Before we look at Bound Side Angle Pose, let’s back up and look at the pieces that make up Bound Side Angle Pose.  Those pieces are:  Warrior II, Triangle, Side Angle and the hands in prayer behind the back (Pascima Namaskar).

Let’s start in Warrior II.  Can you bend your front knee so that the thigh is parallel to the floor?  Take an honest look at yourself in a mirror.  Is your front thigh parallel to the floor with your shin perpendicular?  If you can’t bend that deep (and keep your knee over your ankle), don’t try to force it.  Try putting a block, or two, under your front foot and see if that helps you.  You may have to play with that for a while, but eventually you can try it without the block.


The second standing pose is Triangle.  Eventually we are looking to be able to get the spine horizontal and the bottom hand on the floor.  Again, be patient.  Your bottom hand may need to rest on your leg or a block.  Watch your progress with the help of a mirror.  Look at your spine.  Keep it straight as you stretch towards the floor; don’t let it dome up in the middle.  Also, look to see that your torso is directly above the front leg, not in front of it.


Now it’s time to put Warrior II and Triangle together in Side Angle Pose.  Can you bend your front knee so that the thigh is horizontal and get your lower hand to the floor with the upper edge of your body from your back foot to your top hand in one straight line?  If you can, you are in full Side Angle Pose and you are ready to bind.  If you can’t, keep working on Warrior II and Triangle poses.


There is some separate arm work to do to prepare the shoulders for binding and that is getting your hands behind your back in prayer.  Let's start by looking at your ability to clasp your hands behind your back in Yoga Mudra.


This arm position stretches the front of the shoulders and is the same arm position you need for Bridge Pose and Shoulder Stand.


In Yoga Mudra we work the hands behind the back with the arms straight and then we can bend one elbow at a time and work the arms in Cow Face Posture (Gomukhasana).


If you cannot clasp your hands behind your back in Cow Face Posture, use a belt.


Once you can clasp your hands in Gomukhasana then begin working both hands behind your back in Reverse Prayer. If you can do that, you have all the necessary shoulder flexibility to bind in Bound Side Angle Pose.


To come into Bound Side Angle Pose first come into Side Angle Pose but place your bottom hand on the floor inside your front leg.  Raise your top arm straight up in the air, and if you need a belt to bind, then the belt should be in this top hand.  Bend your top arm back behind your waist as you dip your front shoulder below your front thigh.  Slide your bottom forearm under your front thigh and grab hold of your other hand or the belt.  Then bring your front buttock under you as you lean your upper body back against your bent leg.  This brings your body back into Side Angle position.  with your hands now clasped behind your back.


Getting your hands around your front thigh in Bound Side Angle Pose is a very similar action to getting your leg up over your shoulder for Astavakrasana.   You can always use a belt for Side Angle Pose until the day you can finally clasp and then you know that Astavakrasana is more attainable.  Keep working.  I'll see you in class!

The Science of Yoga:  The Risks and the Rewards – by William Broad

Opening quote:

There is no subject which is so wrapped up in mystery and on which one can write whatever one likes without any risk of being proved wrong.”
-- I.K. Taimini, Indian scholar and chemist on the obscurity of yoga. 


Yoga has become so mainstream these days.  It seems like everyone is doing it: from babies in the womb during their mother’s pre-natal yoga classes all the way up through senior citizens living in assisted living facilities and everyone in between.   It has become so popular here in the west that it has even included in the annual Easter Egg Roll at the Whitehouse since 2009.

In his book, William Broad, a lifelong yoga practitioner, sorts out the myth and the hyperbole from the traditions and what we really know about the history and practice of yoga.  People have made many claims about what yoga can do for our health and well-being over the years.  Science supports some of these claims, but many aspects of yoga’s famous healing powers come from story and legend rather than scientific fact.  This is partly due to the fact that a lot of research done on yoga was often a hobby or a sideline. There is not a lot of money for research in something that cannot be turned into an expensive pill or medical device.

As Mr. Broad dove into the scientific research that had been done on yoga, he ran into my teacher Mel Robin.  As a scientist for Bell Labs for 30 years, Mel also turned his keen scientific eye towards yoga.  He has written three books on the science behind the practice of yoga.  Mel is listed in the Who’s Who of yoga at the beginning of this book and Mr. Broad quotes his research throughout the book.

One of the reviews on the book’s jacket warns us: “The Science of Yoga is a wonderful read that any yoga practitioner thirsting for authenticity should study carefully before suiting up”  --David Gordon White, author of Kiss of the Yogini

One important fact that Mr. Broad points out is that yoga has no governing body.  There’s no hierarchy of officials or organizations meant to ensure purity and adherence to agreed upon sets of facts poses, rules and procedures, outcomes and benefits.  There is also no government oversight, no Safety Commission or Administration to ensure that yoga lives up to its promises.  This can be very confusing for the beginner and even for seasoned yogis.  You never really know if what you've read or been taught is something that is truly coming from the history of yoga, or if it is just what someone made up to suit their purposes.  This happens a lot and is not necessarily a bad thing.  Personally, I like studying within the Iyengar lineage.  They have a long history of tradition, practice and they also have a research institute to study the effects of yoga.

All yoga is basically Hatha Yoga which is a practice that centers on postures and breathing meant to strengthen the body and mind.  Separate from the practice of physical postures is the ethical and philosophical side of yoga and the religious aspect of Hinduism.

Yoga differs from most other forms of exercise in that it goes slow rather than fast emphasizing static postures and fluid motions.  Its low-impact nature puts less strain on the body than traditional sports making it appealing for a wide variety of ages.  The greatest emphasis is on regulating the breath and creating an awareness of the body position in space.  Advanced yoga encourages concentration on subtle energy flows.  Overall, compared to sports and other forms of Western exercise, yoga seems safer and the focus is not just on the physical; the practice also draws the attention inward.

The book is organized into the following chapters which follows the development of scientific interest over the decades:
Risk of Injury

So, read along with me as Mr. Broad sheds light on the risks and rewards of yoga.

Lizard Lunge as a preparation for Astavakrasana

Continuing with postures in the sequence for Astavakrasana, let’s look at Lizard Lunge.

In order to be able to do Astavakrasana you have to be able to get your knee onto the back of your arm when you are in a seated position.  In Lizard Lunge, you can see whether or not your shoulder is below your knee.


In this pose, the back leg is straight and the front leg bent with the shin perpendicular to the floor.  If you can easily get both forearms evenly on the ground, then chances are that you have the flexibility to do Astavakrasana.

In the beginning you start with your hands on the floor,


eventually lowering your elbows to blocks and finally to the floor.  It is harder to lower the inside elbow to the floor.


It is important to lower them both evenly.  You may have to back up until you are able to achieve this.  This may take a while.  If you are interested in doing Astavakrasana, you might want to practice Lizard Lunge every day until you can easily get your elbows to the floor.  This practice could unlock other poses for you as well such as Warrior I, Pigeon and Split.

In some of these photos, you can see that my back knee is on the floor.  In the beginning, you might need to bend your back leg.  Eventually, you may be able to keep the knee lifted and the back leg straight.


It is also important to maintain the length on the front body.  Your torso will round if you are reaching too hard to get the elbows to the floor.  Keep pressing down into the hands or forearms and lengthen your collar bones forward.  Draw your shoulder blades towards each other and down your back towards your waist rather than away from each other and down towards the floor.   As you would in Caturanga, don’t drop your head.  Keep your neck in line with the spine and the back of your head level with your upper back.

You may be tempted to let the front ankle roll out.  Some call this “Broken Pigeon”.


This often happens in the desire to get the elbows to the floor.  This could be a good variation when you are working towards poses with the legs externally rotated such as Pigeon or Seated Cobbler’s Pose.  But for now we are working on our ability to fold forward with one knee bent into our chest as in Marichyasana I.


For this pose, I prefer keeping the weight pressing down onto the inner edge of the foot and keeping the ankle straight.  If you need some play, it is better to let the knee and foot rotate out a few degrees, but I would only do this if I could not get my hands to the floor, not to get my elbows to the floor.  Be patient.  Don’t force the stretch.


The next step would be to come into Eka Hasta Bhujasana, or One Arm Leg Pressure Pose.

Eka Hasta Bhujasana, which means One Arm Leg Press Pose. You can see that I have to hook one of my legs over my shoulder.

And from there into Astavakrasana


Continuing with postures in the sequence for Astavakrasana, let’s look at Lizard Lunge.In order to be able to do Astavakrasana you have to be able to get your knee onto the back of your arm when you are in a seated position.  In Lizard Lunge, you can see whether or not your shoulder is below your knee. In this pose, the back leg is straight and the front leg bent with the shin perpendicular to the floor.  If you can easily get both forearms evenly on the ground, then chances are that you have the flexibility to do Astavakrasana.In the beginning you start with your hands on the floor, eventually lowering your elbows to blocks and finally to the floor.  It is harder to lower the inside elbow to the floor.  It is important to lower them both evenly.  You may have to back up until you are able to achieve this.  This may take a while.  If you are interested in doing Astavakrasana, you might want to practice Lizard Lunge every day until you can easily get your elbows to the floor.  This practice could unlock other poses for you as well such as Warrior I, Pigeon and Split. In some of these photos, you can see that my back knee is on the floor.  In the beginning, you might need to bend your back leg.  Eventually, you may be able to keep the knee lifted and the back leg straight. It is also important to maintain the length on the front body.  Your torso will round if you are reaching too hard to get the elbows to the floor.  Keep pressing down into the hands or forearms and lengthen your collar bones forward.  Draw your shoulder blades towards each other and down your back towards your waist rather than away from each other and down towards the floor.   As you would in Caturanga, don’t drop your head.  Keep your neck in line with the spine and the back of your head level with your upper back.You may be tempted to let the front ankle roll out.  Some call this “Broken Pigeon”.This often happens in the desire to get the elbows to the floor.  This could be a good variation when you are working towards poses with the legs externally rotated such as Pigeon or Seated Cobbler’s Pose.  But for now we are working on our ability to fold forward with one knee bent into our chest as in Marichyasana I.For this pose, I prefer keeping the weight pressing down onto the inner edge of the foot and keeping the ankle straight.  If you need some play, it is better to let the knee and foot rotate out a few degrees, but I would only do this if I could not get my hands to the floor, not to get my elbows to the floor.  Be patient.  Don’t force the stretch.The next step would be to come into Eka Hasta Bhujasana, or One Arm Leg Pressure Pose. And from there into Astavakrasana

A Sequence to Prepare for Astavakrasana

Preparing for Astavakrasana

Here is a sequence you can work on to prepare for Astavakrasana:Start by doing a few of your favorite Sun Salutes to warm up.  Then try these poses in the following order:

  1. Side Angle Pose. Work to get your bottom hand to the floor.

  2. Lizard Lunge. Work to get your forearms to the floor with your shoulders lower than your knee. Notice the back of my head is not lower than my upper back!

  3. Revolved Side Angle Pose. Work on getting your armpit outside of the opposite knee with your hand on the floor. This may take some time to achieve.

  4. Boat Pose to build core strength for the arm balance.

  5. "Revolved Boat" or Seated Astavakrasana. This gives you something to work on if you cannot do the arm balance. Understanding how your arm fits through your crossed legs and how you straighten your legs against your arm will help for the final pose.

  6. Seated Baby Cradle to loosen the hip.

  7. One Arm Leg Pressure pose. Work to get your knee up as high towards your shoulder as you can. With your knee clamped down against your arm, you press into your hands, draw your navel to your spine and lift yourself off of the floor. Once you are lifted, you cross your straight leg ankle over your bent leg ankle to squeeze your legs onto your arm. Then bend your elbows and tip forward like you are doing Caturanga and while pressing your top leg onto the back of your tricep as you squeeze your legs together and Voila, You are in the final posture! Or not. This may take some time.

  8. Astavakrasana


Be patient with yourself as you work on these poses.  Understand the stage of each pose that you are in and work on your practice over time.  Progress can be imperceptible from one day to the next, but over time, the results can be pretty impressive.  Don't give up!

Prep for Astavakrasana

Preparing for Astavakrasana with Side Angle Pose

Why you should never do Side Angle Pose with your elbow on your knee.

I am not a fan of doing Side Angle Pose with your elbow on your knee. I prefer putting your hand on the floor or on a block. There are always exceptions and I understand that for some people that may be the best variation.

See how the lower shoulder is collapsed as I rest my weight into that elbow instead of lifting up off it?

See how the lower shoulder is collapsed as I rest my weight into that elbow instead of lifting up off it?

However, the primary reason I don’t recommend the bent elbow version of this pose is because when students put their elbow on their knee in Side Angle, there is a tendency to collapse into that bottom shoulder.

They can be made aware of that and they can learn to press their elbow into their knee and open the chest and collar bone on that lower side, but that action is often not taught. It is much more natural to press down into the bottom hand when it is on the floor or on a block. But still, that action of opening the bottom chest needs to be demonstrated and taught.


If you are doing a gentle yoga class and you are just moving through some basic poses, then there might not be a reason to go any deeper into Side Angle Pose than elbow to knee. But if you are doing a more progressive form of yoga where poses build on each other, then it is important to see and use Side Angle Pose as a gateway to more complex asanas.

Let’s take Astavakrasana, for example. In order to be able to approach this arm balance, you will need to develop the flexibility to get your shoulder under your bent knee.  The entry into Astavakrasana comes from a pose called Eka Hasta Bhujasana which looks like this:

Eka Hasta Bhujasana, which means One Arm Leg Press Pose. You can see that I have to hook one of my legs over my shoulder.

Eka Hasta Bhujasana, which means One Arm Leg Press Pose. You can see that I have to hook one of my legs over my shoulder.

This work begins in Side Angle pose where we work to get the bottom hand to the floor outside of the bent knee.

Notice the relationship of the knee and the shoulder. This is considered the full pose with the bottom hand on the floor.

Notice the relationship of the knee and the shoulder. This is considered the full pose with the bottom hand on the floor.

When you take your hand to the floor, make sure that you do not allow your front thigh to drop below horizontal. Keep from doing this by pressing down on the outer edge of the back foot and lifting the inner back thigh away from the floor.

When you take your hand to the floor, make sure that you do not allow your front thigh to drop below horizontal. Keep from doing this by pressing down on the outer edge of the back foot and lifting the inner back thigh away from the floor.

In the beginning, your hand may be on the tall side of a block, which is about the same height you would be in if you had your elbow on your knee.

Compare the height of the shoulder to the knee in this version of the pose with the picture of me with my elbow on my knee below. They appear to be practically at the same height. If the elbow rests on the knee, there is too big of a change to go fr…

Compare the height of the shoulder to the knee in this version of the pose with the picture of me with my elbow on my knee below. They appear to be practically at the same height. If the elbow rests on the knee, there is too big of a change to go from there to hand on the floor. But with your hand on the tall block, it is a gradual process of stretching to get the hand to the middle level of the block, to the lower level of the block and to finally getting the hand to the floor.


Performing this pose by placing the elbow on the knee prevents you from exploring your capacity to go deeper over time. This is a modification of Side Angle Pose. It is not the full pose.

But over time, you lower the block to its medium height and then to its lowest height until you can finally you put the hand on the floor.

The shoulder is getting lower as the flexibility in the hip increases.

The shoulder is getting lower as the flexibility in the hip increases.

If you look at the relationship of the shoulder and the knee full Side Angle Pose, you can see that they get very close together when you can get your hand to the floor.

The shoulder is getting even close to the knee.

The shoulder is getting even close to the knee.

No matter what stage you find yourself in Side Angle Pose remember to maintain the geometry of a straight line form back foot to top hand, front thigh parallel to the floor and front shin perpendicular to the floor.

No matter what stage you find yourself in Side Angle Pose remember to maintain the geometry of a straight line form back foot to top hand, front thigh parallel to the floor and front shin perpendicular to the floor.

If you are looking to improve your flexibility and range of motion then you can see why you would want to work towards the full version of Side Angle Pose. It is this flexibility that is necessary to do poses like Astavakrasana.

Astavakrasana, or Eight Crooked Places Pose.

Astavakrasana, or Eight Crooked Places Pose.

Other postures that build on the flexibility of Side Angle Pose include: binding in Side Angle Pose, Bird of Paradise, Lizard Lunge, Revolved Side Angle Pose, Crow, Tortoise, Seated Wide Leg Forward Fold, Revolved Seated Tree and probably others that aren’t coming to mind right now.