2019 the year in yoga poses

Poses for the Month of December - The Year in Review

2019 Poses in Review

The time between Thanksgiving and New Year’s are so jam packed and busy, I often feel compelled to teach restorative poses just so people can have a few minutes of relaxation.  That doesn’t mean that the entire class will be restorative, it just means that we might start or end with a restorative pose or two.  In the middle, I plan on reviewing the poses that we went over this year.  Here they are in the order in which we did them:

January – Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand

Read about Shoulder Stand here.

Read about Shoulder Stand here.

February – Sirsasana I or Head Stand on forearms

Read about Head Stand here.

Read about Head Stand here.

March – Navasana or Boat Pose

Read about Boat Pose here.

Read about Boat Pose here.

April – Bakasana or Crow

Read about Crow Pose here.

Read about Crow Pose here.

May – Svarga Dvijasana or Bird of Paradise

Read about Bird of Paradise here.

Read about Bird of Paradise here.

June – Hanumanasana or Split

Read about Split here.

Read about Split here.

July – Parivrtta Parsva Konasana or Revolved Side Angle Pose


Read about Revolved Side Angle Pose here.

August- Visvamitrasana or Side Plank with lower leg lifted

Read about Visvamitrasana here.

Read about Visvamitrasana here.

September – Urdhva Dhanurasana or Wheel

Read about Wheel here.

Read about Wheel here.

October – Prasarita Padottanasana to Sirsasana II or Wide Leg Forward Fold to Tripod Head Stand

Read about the transition from Wide Legged Forward Fold to Headstand here.

Read about the transition from Wide Legged Forward Fold to Headstand here.

November – Astavakrasana or Eight Crooked Places Pose


Read about Astavakrasana here.

December – I hope you enjoy this year in review!  Also, if you have any requests for poses that you would like to work on next year, let me know in the comments below.