skillful assists

Top 10 Reasons to Immerse Yourself in an Advanced Teacher Training with Me!

My goal is to help yoga teachers develop themselves professionally to become better teachers by offering programs on: refining their ability to see alignment, offer fabulous assists, understand relevant anatomy and physiology, create curriculum to help students make progress, find their special niche for teaching from their passion, expand their offerings to supplement their income streams, offer the benefits of yoga to people who may not be able to attend public classes, and more.

Why should you take an advanced yoga teacher training program?  I have listed my top 10 reasons below:

  1. Improve your skills and become a better teacher.

  2. Attract more students to your classes.

  3. Become a leader - on and off the mat.

  4. Expand your knowledge of anatomy to become a better teacher.

  5. Gain confidence in giving skillful assists.

  6. Learn how to earn more money teaching yoga.

  7. Find your niche as a yoga teacher.

  8. Help your students advance their own practices, physically, emotionally,  and spiritually.

  9. Learn the specific tools and insights to run successful private lessons, workshops and retreats.

  10. Improve your own life and the lives of others through the practice of yoga.