Yoga book recommendations

Recommendations for Yoga Books and Mats for New Students

People are always asking me for which yoga mats they should buy and which books should they read to learn more about yoga.  Here are some recommendations to get you started:



How Yoga Works by Geshe Michael Roche.  While this book doesn’t describe any asanas, it does touch on some frequently asked questions such as:  “How long should it take for me to be able to __________ (fill in the blank)?  What it does very nicely do is describe the inner workings of yoga and progress on the path.  The story is a bit simplistic, but sometimes I need my philosophy distilled down.  It’s an easy and enjoyable read.

The Heart of Yoga by T.K.V Desikachar.  This book provides an introduction to yoga practice with some basic asana instruction, including breathing practices.  It also introduces introductory philosophical tenets, including the entire Yoga Sutra (an important yogic text).

Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar.   This book is considered to be the bible of yoga postures. It is a reference book; something you flip through rather than read.   The first 50 or so pages describe yoga philosophy, although it is very dense and filled with a lot of Sanskrit terms that can make it difficult to comprehend by those newer to yoga.

Moving Toward Balance: 8 Weeks of Yoga with Rodney Yee, by Rodney Yee.  This book  has pictures of poses with modifications to make them more accessible and it gives examples of sequences to create a sustainable home practice.

As a side note, if you are ever interested in deepening your personal yoga practice, these books are part of the required reading of my course: “The Foundations of Yoga”.   While this course is part of my Yoga Teacher Training Program, it is not just for teachers.  It meant for the serious student who wants to learn more about than you can get in a public class.

Yoga Mats

Jade:  The complaint that most students have about yoga mats is that they slide on them.  You will not slide on this mat.  These mats are very sticky.  Jade proudly claims that these mats are made of natural materials: rubber.  But that means if you have a latex sensitivity, you may find these mats irritating to your skin.   This also makes them photosensitive.  If they are exposed to the light, the outer surface becomes crusty.  You still won’t slide on the mat, but the mat can slide on the floor.  These mats should be kept in a yoga bag when not in use.

Lululemon makes a nice mat.  You can pick one up in a store, or buy them online.  I have never owned one, but I have tried them.  I think they are good mats.

I also like Manduka.  If you go to their site, you can take their quiz and they will help you pick a mat.  My dog chewed my Manduka mat :(

If patterns are your thing, try out Gaiam.  They have a great selection and people like their mats. I have never tried one. 

In general, buy a regular sized mat which measures  24” x 68”.  Longer mats are for people over 6’ tall.  Wider mats aren’t necessary and are heavier to carry around (and may be too big for a standard mat bag).  A standard mat is about 5mm or 3/16” thick.  If you want extra cushion you can buy a thicker mat, but they are heavier and bulkier.

Expect to pay anywhere from $60 to $120 for one of these name brand mats.  They are excellent fitness equipment and worth the price.  However, it is possible to buy inexpensive mats at places like: Whole Foods, Target, and Home Goods, even The Dollar Store sells cheap mats.  But be careful, some of those mats are cheaper because they are shorter, narrower and thinner than brand name mats.  I have had cheap mats that have worked as well as the more expensive mats. I started buying cheap mats after my dog chewed my most expensive mat.   If you find that you don’t like a mat you purchased, you can always use it as a pad under an area rug, let the dog have it, or, I use my old mats in the back of my car.  It is easier to shake out the mat when it gets dirty than it is to vacuum the rug.

(I do not get any compensation from any company for recommending yoga mats.) 

What's your favorite mat?  I know there are a lot of other brands out there.  What have I missed Share your opinions in the comments below.