
Contentment - As a Practice


I have been reading the following passage in class during the last couple of days.  It's a great reminder to practice the second niyama of santosha or contentment.

From  the book How Yoga Works
The second commitment is to be contented with whatever you have. Y.S. II.32

"It is a commitment to be content with what we have, although never with what we could become. Because no one has all the circumstances they need to practice yoga and all its ideas. Things are never perfect. It is always too hot or too cold. The body is always hurting somewhere; the mind is always tired or sad. And there is always someone nearby who disturbs us. Time itself is always short and we must always make do with what we have. None of the great ones who followed this path before us, none of them over the centuries, possessed perfect circumstances either. And so they just worked hard with what they had available to them and they achieved their ultimate goals. Thus one who follows this way commits to be contented; contented with the food, contented with the place, contented with the weather, contented with the current condition of the body and mind, contented with the company. And they do not sacrifice a single moment of their short, precious lives to the poison of complaining, out loud or in their thoughts, about anything."