
Growing a Lotus

Karin in Padmasana

“May I learn to live like the lotus flower, content in muddy water.”

Lotus Posture, or Padmasana, is one of the quintessential yoga poses.  You can just picture a yogi sitting with legs crossed, eyes closed and meditating blissfully.  Ironically, Lotus is not a pose that is taught very frequently in yoga classes; at least in Western yoga classes.  Most Westerners have tight hips and cannot do this pose.  Some yoga studios caution against teaching it because people hurt their knees by trying to force themselves into the pose.

With that caution, we will work on Lotus this month. I recommend that you proceed mindfully and pay attention to your knees.  There is a modification for every pose.  (The basic modifications for Lotus are: Easy Pose, Half Lotus and Double Pigeon.)  If you feel any strain in your knees, back off, take a modification and let it go until the next time when you can try again. This is the muddy water referred to in the quote; being okay when things don’t work out as you planned, or when things don’t happen when you want them to. Wait. Patiently. All is coming.

Below is a list of some of the poses we will be working on to help us get into Lotus Pose this month.

Easy Crossed Legs Pose
Warrior II
Side Angle
Standing Half-Lotus Forward Bend
Gate Pose
Double Pigeon
Cobbler’s Pose
Seated Wide Leg Forward Bend
Revolved Seated Tree
Seated Half Lotus Forward Bend

2017 Postures for the Year

The following is a list of the Postures of the Month for 2017.

January - Plank poses and all of their variations:  High Plank, Low Plank, Side Plank, Reverse Plank, Handstand and Headstand.

Karin in Vasisthasana

Karin in Vasisthasana

February - Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana or Kapotasana - Wheel on your forearms or Full Pigeon

Kapotasana by Cailen Ascher

Cailen in Kapotasana

March - Astavakrasana - Eight crooked places pose

Karin in Astavakrasana

Karin in Astavakrasana

April - Eka Hasta Adho Mukha Vrksasana - One arm Handstand

(Pic Coming Soon)

May - Padmasana - Lotus

Karin in Padmasana

Karin in Padmasana

June - Natarajasana - Dancer's Pose

(Pic Coming Soon)

July - Visvamitrasana or Hanumanasana -  Side Plank, bottom leg lifted or Split

Karin in Visvamitrasana

Karin in Visvamitrasana

August - Prasarita Padottanasana to Sirsasana II -  Wide-Leg Forward Fold to Headstand

Karin in Sirsasana II from Prasarita Padottanasana

Karin in Sirsasana II from Prasarita Padottanasana

September - Salabhasana/Locust

(Pic coming soon)

October - Eka Pada Koundinyasana I

Karin in Eka Pada Koundinyasana I

Karin in Eka Pada Koundinyasana I

November - Dancing Warrior Series

(Pic coming soon)

December - Choice of Restorative Pose

Karin in Supta Virasana

Karin in Supta Virasana