Advanced yoga Teacher Training Program

The Ten Building Blocks of Becoming a Great Yoga Teacher


Becoming a great yoga teacher is a lot like becoming great at anything else.  You have to work at it and commit yourself to the path that you are on.  It takes time as Patanjali says in the Yoga Sutra:

sah tu dirgha kala nairantaira satkara asevitah dridha bhumih  Y.S. 1.14

“When that practice is done for a long time, without a break, and with sincere devotion, then the practice becomes a firmly rooted, stable and solid foundation.”

One of the things I firmly believe in regard to the practice and teaching of yoga is the quality of patience and being able to sustain your learning over a long period of time.  One of my favorite teacher training programs I ever participated in was a 200 hour Iyengar program.  We met twice a month for three years!  I loved the fact that I had plenty of time to ask questions and steep myself in the teachings.

As much as we would like our strength, flexibility or our rehabilitation from an injury to happen overnight, we all know that it takes time for our body to change.  As your body changes, so does your understanding about the postures change.   Some changes happen faster than others and some changes are not linear; they may be plenty of setbacks on the road to progress.  That was why I liked the three year program so much.  My understanding of postures changed over time as my body changed. I wouldn’t have known to ask certain questions until I felt the changes in my body.   I know a lot of people would balk at a three year training program, however, so I adjusted my program to take place over one calendar year.  We meet every Wednesday from 12:30 to 6:00 pm.  This way you get the benefit of a true immersion while having ample time for some changes to take place.  (For those students who cannot commit to every Wednesday for an entire calendar year, or who want to spread the financial payments out over time, you can take individual modules and complete the training in two years!)

These Ten Building Blocks are the steps I followed on the path to becoming a good teacher.  They are based on the things I wanted to know and learn, the questions I was asking.  These form the foundation of the modules I offer in my 300 hour Advanced Teacher Training Program.

  1. Foundation and General Form of the Poses – seeing Tadasana in every pose

  2. Knowing the poses from the inside – developing your own practice

  3. Anatomy and Physiology – Another way of learning about the poses from the inside

  4. Sequencing – the magical art of opening the body

  5. Voice and cueing – It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it

  6. Philosophy/Themes – Creating a yogic experience

  7. Therapeutics – What to do when something hurts

  8. Meditation – Knowing yourself

  9. Pranayama – Breath, the vital life force

  10. Energy and Intuition – Because it is more than just physical

If you are interested in taking the next step to becoming a better yoga teacher, you can enroll in my Advanced Teacher Training Program by calling Erin Lento at 215.862.2200.

I look forward to working with you!

If you have more questions you can ask them in the comments below.  And/or, you can attend the Open House I am holding next Saturday, December 10th from 1:00 to 3:00 at The Treehouse.  Details can be found here.

If you are not ready to commit to the whole program, you can register for the individual modules. (That way you can experience the longer immersion that I was talking about above.)

Elevate Your Practice.  Master Your Skills As A Yoga Teacher.



We are so very fortunate in our area that there is a lot of good yoga.  This is great for yoga students as they can pick and choose the classes and teachers with whom they want to study.  As a teacher it means that you have to work not only on your yoga practice, but your yoga teaching skills as well.  There is a lot more to teaching a great yoga class than simply loving yoga and playing "Simon Says" on your mat.

My goal is to help yoga teachers develop themselves professionally to become better teachers by offering programs on: refining their ability to see alignment, offer fabulous assists, understand relevant anatomy and physiology, create curriculum to help students make progress, find their special niche for teaching from their passion, expand their offerings to supplement their income streams, offer the benefits of yoga to people who may not be able to attend public classes, and more.

This program is modular.  You may take any section individually, or you may take the whole thing together in order to register with Yoga Alliance for your E-RYT 500. The first modules are coming up!

The first weekday module is:

The Language and Tools of Alignment - It starts with Tadasana.

Gain a deep understanding of the principles of alignment. In this module you will develop your eyes to see Tadasana in every pose. From the moment your students take a seat on their mats, your eyes will be trained to see and understand what their particular challenges are and you will be given the tools and knowledge to learn how to help them.

Class begins Wednesday, January 4 and meets every Wednesday for 6 weeks until February 8, from 12:30 to 6:00 pm

To register for this module call Erin, Treehouse Director, at:  215.862.2200

The first weekend module is:

Sanskrit - The Language of Yoga

Discover the ancient language of yoga! Work with pronunciations and definitions of the Sanskrit alphabet, commonly used Sanskrit terms and the Sanskrit terminology for asanas. Discover mantra, the practice of traversing the mind with Sanskrit. Learn how to practice yourself as well as how to make recommendations for your students