Chapter 3,  Sutras 4 to 6 The Technique of True Perception

 Y.S. 3.4  Tryam ekatra samyamah

Tryam  these three
jointly, together
 defining, holding together, integration

These three together: dharana, dhyana and Samadhi, constitute integration or samyama

Samyama is a technical word defining the integration of concentration (dharana), meditation (dhyana) and absorption (absorption)

The following analogy shows the organic relationship between dharana, dhyana and Samadhi.  When one contemplates a diamond, one at first sees with great clarity the gem itself.  Gradually one becomes aware of the light glowing from its center.  As awareness of the light grows, awareness of the stone as an object diminishes.  Then there is only brightness, no source, no object.  When the light is everywhere, that is Samadhi.


Y.S.3.5  Tajjayat prajnalokah

Taj  from that
by mastery, by attainment, conquest
awareness, wisdom, judgement, discrimination
light, luster, insight 

From mastery of samyama comes the light of awareness and insight

Y.S. 3.6  Tasya bhumisu viniyogah

Tasya   Its (samyama)
bhumisu  degree, step, stage
viniyogah application

Samyama may be applied in various spheres to derive its usefulness

This sutra affirms that no-one can expect success or mastery without regular practice, and also warns one not to jump to higher stages of practice without first establishing a firm foundation through the primary steps of yoga.