Chapter 2 – Sadhana Pada: The Chapter on Practice. Yoga Sutras 54 & 55 – Pratyhara

Pratyhara means withdrawal of the senses. It is the fifth limb of yoga and the last of the external components in the quest. The last three limbs involve the internal quests, which are concentration, meditation and Samadhi (also known as enlightenment, absorption or yoga). General wisdom is that it is hard to sit still for concentration if your mind is disturbed by negative emotions, the body is not comfortable, the breath is not steady and the mind is easily distracted

.Y.S. 2.54 Svavisaya asamprayoge cittasya svarupanukara iv endriyanam pratyaharah
– their own
visaya – sense object
asampra yoge – not coming into contact with
cittasya – of the mind
svarupa – our nature
anukara - imitation
eva - like
endriyanam – of the senses
pratyaharah- withdrawal of the senses.

Pratayhara, which means withdrawal of the senses, is the fifth limb of yoga. It occurs when the mind is able to remain in its chosen direction and the senses disregard the different objects around them and faithfully follow the direction of the mind.

Y.S. 2.55 Tatah parama vasyata indriyanam
- From this
parama - highest
vasyata – mastery, control
indriyanam – of the senses

Then the senses are mastered and they cooperate in the chosen inquiry instead of being a cause of distraction. The restraint of the sense cannot be a strict discipline. It develops as the obstacles to perception within us are cleared up.