Anatomy of the Spirit – Energy Medicine and Intuition, Part II

Learning Symbolic Sight

Caroline Myss offers the following guidelines to help us begin to read our own energy field and to be able to see this energy symbolically.  She wants us to learn to diagnose our own relationship with each of the seven power centers in our body (the seven chakras).

First – focus your attention on learning to interpret your life’s challenges symbolically.  Find a meaning in them.  Think and feel how they connect to your health.  Observe what causes you to lose power and where you feel the loss.

Second – think of yourself as an energy being as well as a physical one.  The energy part of yourself is the transmitter and recorder of all your thoughts and interactions.  Keep in mind at all times that your biography becomes your biology.

Third – conduct energy self-evaluations on a daily basis.  After you get good at it, self-scanning will only take a few minutes.  Use the model of the human energy system (the chakras – these will be presented later) as a model.

Fourth – when you discover an energy leak, focus on only the essentials that will help you recover your energy.  Always address the question “Why am I losing power?”  In healing any imbalance, whether it is energetic or physical, you must always involve both your mind and your heart.  Always strive to see beyond the physical components of a crisis.   Refer to each one of the sacred truths that correspond to each chakra to which of these are symbolically represented in your issue:

  • First chakra – All is one

  • Second chakra – Honor one another

  • Third chakra – Honor oneself

  • Fourth chakra – Love is divine power

  • Fifth chakra – Surrender personal will to Divine Will

  • Sixth chakra – Seek only the truth

  • Seventh chakra – Live in the present moment

Fifth – Learn what, rather than who draws power from you.  Understand that the person who seems to be drawing your energy is actually only a reflection of some part of yourself.

Sixth – simplify your requirements for healing.  The requirements to heal any illness are essentially the same.  Think of the illness as a power disorder – almost like a technical malfunction. Once you identify which sacred truth applies to your situation, organize your internal healing process around your learning from that truth.  Combine your internal healing with any conventional medical treatment that is essential and stick to your program.  Reach out for any support that you require and use that support appropriately.  Remember that your task is to move through your wounds, not live in them.

Do all that is necessary to support your physical body, such as taking the appropriate medicine, maintaining a daily exercise program and eating properly.  Simultaneously, do all that is necessary to support your energy body, such as releasing unfinished business and forgive injuries from the past.  Make whatever personal changes are necessary for healing to take place – leave that stressful job or marriage; take up a meditation practice; or learn cross-country skiing.  The specific changes you make are not the important point here.  The point is to actually make the changes that healing requires.

Talking does not heal; taking action does.  While it essential to work at maintaining a positive attitude whatever your illness, healing requires dedication and commitment.  Visualization will not work if you practice it only once a week and nobody becomes fit from only one trip to the gym.  Healing one’s body or one’s life challenges – or developing symbolic sight- requires daily practice and attention.  Healing illness in particular may be a full-time occupation, although you can simplify the steps required to accomplish the task.

If you are using a complex healing package – that is, several different therapies and therapists, several physicians, several herbal and vitamin programs – but are making little or no progress, you may actually be blocking your own healing.  Perhaps becoming healthy in some way threatens you more than you realize.  Perhaps you are unable to let go of something from the past, or perhaps becoming healthy would alter the balance of power between you and another person.  Use your head in thinking about this, because obviously, some illnesses are genuinely more serious than others, and the lack of healing does not always signal that you are blocking your healing process.  But if ten different therapies and therapists are not enough to bring some degree of healing into your life, then you need to consider the possibility of conscious or unconscious interference or the very real possibility that your healing may include preparation to leave this physical life.

Seventh – Simplify your spirituality.  Dr. Myss states that all of her earthly studies of heaven have led her to believe that heaven is not a complicated realm.  Therefore one’s theology should not be complicated.  Seek to believe only what heaven has issued as essential:

  • All circumstances can be changed in a moment, and all illnesses can be healed. The Divine is not limited by human time, space or physical concerns.

  • Be consistent: live what you believe.

  • Change is constant. Every life goes through phases of difficult change as well as peace.  Learn to go with the flow of change rather than try to stop change from occurring.

  • Never look to another person to make you happy. Happiness is an internal, personal attitude and responsibility.

  • Life is essentially a learning experience. Every situation, challenge and relationship contains some message worth learning or teaching to others.

  • Positive energy works more effectively than negative energy in each and every situation.

  • Live in the present moment and practice forgiveness of others.

We gain nothing by thinking that heaven “thinks and acts” in complex ways.  It is far better and more effective, to learn to think the way heaven does – in simple and eternal truths.

In all likelihood we have made our lives far more complex than they have to be.  Achieving health, happiness and an energy balance comes down to deciding to focus more on the positive than on the negative and to live in a manner spiritually congruent with what we know is the truth.  Making those two commitments alone is sufficient to allow the power contained within our Divine biological system to influence the content and direction of our lives.

We are all meant to learn the same truths and to allow our Divinity to work within us and through us; this is a simple task, though hardly and easy one.  The settings and people in our lives are different, but the challenges they represent to us are identical, as are the influences these challenges have on our bodies and our spirits.  The more we are able to learn this truth, the more we can develop symbolic sight: the ability to see through physical illusions and recognize the lesson being offered to us by life’s challenges.