What happens in an only online format when you are not proficient or sensitive enough is that you assume that what you have heard, you have implemented on your own. But that is often not the case. And it is a problem.
I have been chanting the Invocation to Patanjali at the beginning of class. It's a long mantra and if you enjoy chanting, I'd like to help you learn it.
Practicing one pose every day can actually lead to injury, especially if there is something wrong in your alignment or the actions you are doing in the pose.
The purpose of the practice was just to reset the legs, to keep them in a state of yoga. But one of the benefits of the practice was that it cured my nighttime leg cramps.
We were practicing Virabhadrasana III in class last week. After class a student asked if she could goal post her arms in Vira II instead of reaching them overhead. Read my answer here.