Karin Eisen Yoga

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Three Important Things to Know About My Online Classes

There are 3 aspects to my online classes that you should be aware of:


My 9:00 am classes are not beginner classes.  (If you want or need a more beginner class, please see my Tuesday afternoon class.)  If you take these morning classes I assume you have some familiarity with the poses, and that you know how to modify the poses for any condition you might have so that you do not get hurt.  Also, because I mostly cannot see you, I can’t necessarily help you from doing things incorrectly. 


The class is 90 minutes long.  Some people only want an hour and I try to make a logical ending point for those people who don’t want to stay for the whole 90 minutes. 


I frequently include Head Stand and Shoulder Stand as part of the practice.  These two poses will mostly occur during the last 20 to 30 minutes of class.  Because we do these 2 poses almost every class, I will not be teaching them, nor will I be teaching the modifications for them.  If you do not do these poses, this would be a good time for you to sign off.  You will have still gotten an hour of yoga in. If you want instruction in those inversions I will be teaching them as part of the Tuesday afternoon class.

If you take my Tuesday afternoon class, it is important that you attend as regularly as you can.  I will be leading people through a logical sequence that builds upon the previous classes; building strength and flexibility as we go. For example, you should be well established in the standing poses and Downward Facing Dog before you learn inversions and Shoulder Stand is the first inversion to be learned before Head Stand.    In this class we will go over the postures and their alignment as well as modifications for various issues.