Karin Eisen Yoga

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Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss - From the Foreward

Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss

The single most important question that people have asked throughout history has been “What is my purpose in life.”  Caroline answers this question simply and profoundly.  One’s purpose is to live in a manner that is consistent with one’s spiritual ideals, to live the Golden Rule every moment of one’s life and to live every thought as a sacred prayer.

In this book Caroline Myss invites you to learn to pay attention the subtle energy shifts that you feel when you enter a room filled with people.  She will attempt to teach you how to read the energy and health of every individual in the room.  Even more importantly, she shows you the tools you need to discover how to discern in detail  your own energy and every factor that is draining your intellectual, physical and emotional power.

Quantum physicists have confirmed the reality of the basic vibratory essence of human life, which is what intuitives sense.  Human DNA vibrates at a rate of 52 to 78 gigahertz (billions of cycles per second).  Life energy is not static and intuitives such as Caroline can evaluate it.

This book will give yocu detailed information on the seven power centers of your body.  These centers are critical regulators of the flow of life energy.  They represent the major biological batteries of your emotional biography.  “Your biography becomes your biology” – this forms the center of what Caroline teaches.

This book presents how the major religions understood that the Divine is “locked into our biological system in seven stages of power that lead us to become more refined and transcendent in our personal power.”   Caroline ties together the metaphysical meaning of the Christian sacraments, the Tree of Life of the Kabbalah and the seven chakras of Hindu and Buddhist teachings.  Since knowledge is power, the knowledge presented in this book is the key to personal power.