Karin Eisen Yoga

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2017 Curriculum Planning

I am beginning to plan my yoga curriculum for next year.  I always plan the year in advance.  I like not having to wake up in the morning and worry about what postures I want to teach.  I don't always rigidly adhere to the plan, however.  One of the nice things about having a plan is that you can choose to use it or not.  Not having a plan means you are always making it up as you go along.  Some creative things can happen that way, but not consistently enough for my tastes.

I sometimes sit down with my colleagues and formulate a plan collaboratively.  One of the things I have noticed is that yoga teachers and yoga students don't think the same way about which postures they want to work on.  I remember soliciting feedback last year from students.  Not many responded, but those who did requested mostly basic poses like Wheel, Triangle and Savasana while my colleagues put down arm balances like Fallen Angel or One Arm Handstands!

I think that most yoga students want to leave the planning up to the teachers and they are happy to just show up to class and do what they are instructed to do.  But, there are occasions when students want to have input and give feedback.  So, if you do want to give me your two cents for next year, now is the time.  I have created a 10 question survey here. Please click on the link and let me know what you want to practice next year.  I'm sure I didn't cover all the bases in my questions.  I just wanted to prime the pump and get your creative juices flowing.  Feel free to answer the survey and/or add any comments you might have just below this post.

While we still have the entire month of December to go for this year.  I am looking forward to a wonderful 2017!