Karin Eisen Yoga

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Props You Might Want for Practicing Yoga at Home During the Quarantine.

You know me, I like to use props in class. 

Props have two main functions in yoga: 1) they enable you to do a pose without distorting your body, and 2) they can help teach your body what proper alignment can feel like.

Some of you have resisted investing in props, thinking that we would all be back in the gym or studio soon.  But, as this goes on, you realize that you might need to invest in a couple of props, especially if you plan on following along in my classes. 

I recommend that you order your props from one of these yoga specific sites.  If you know what you are shopping for eBay might be cheaper, but these yoga sites are pretty inexpensive and carry everything you might need.  Also, I’ve heard stories that Amazon has longer shipping times on non-priority items. 

Yoga Direct

Yoga Accessories

Yoga Outlet

I’m assuming you already have a mat. 

Here are the essentials: (I used YogaDirect as an example.  A student recently ordered props from there and was happy with her purchases.)  But, I think they are all pretty similar. 

Blocks – get 2.  I recommend the 4 x 6 x 9 size.  The prices are usually for one block, except where noted.  You can go with the smaller 3” blocks, (these are cheaper)  Sometimes I feel like the bigger blocks are too big but that is rarer than wishing the smaller blocks were bigger.  Blocks are about $8 - $10 a piece.  Cork and wood are more expensive.  Check out some options here.

Belt – get 1- 8’.  (The 6’ ones are too short for a lot of things.)  I wouldn’t say no to the 10’ long belt.  Sometimes it gets in the way, but it is better than a belt that is too short. It doesn’t matter what type of buckle.  The options are cinch, D-rings and pinch.  I like the pinch buckle  (I call it the quick release)  Most belts are under $10.  Check these out.

Blankets – get 2, (unless you do shoulder stand, in which case I recommend 4 mexican blankets, or 3 svaroopa blankets)

I like these two options:

Here is a higher quality Mexican blanket for $23

Here is the svaroopa type blanket for $20 

However, there is this bargain bundle of 5 cheaper blankets for $55.  The problem with these is that it probably takes 2 blankets of this kind to equal 1 of the others.    

Chairs – I would love to do a class using a chair and/or a bolster. Let me know if you would be interested in that. But, everybody would need to have the correct props. Here are some options:

You could buy a chair from yoga direct. It is kind of expensive at $65. However, If you are handy and have the tools, you could make your own. I have made most of mine. I bought a couple of chairs at the True Value hardware store in New Hope for less than $15 each and made a couple of these for myself. Watch this video to see how it’s done.

Bolsters are in the same category as chairs. They cost a little more about - $35. You can buy one. Here is an option from yoga direct.

Or, you can make one. All you need is a pillowcase, a blanket, some safety pins and a hair tie or a rubber band. Check out this video.