Karin Eisen Yoga

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Programs for 2022

Here are some of the programs I will be offering in the new year:


Preliminary Course – This is a foundational course.  It can be taken by beginners, or by intermediate practitioners looking to improve their practice.  Teachers can also take it for CEU’s.  Their portion would include extended hours outside of the asana portion of the class.


Intermediate Course – Picking up from the Preliminary Course, this is the next set of postures to work on.  Pre-requisite is having taken Preliminary Course. 


Anatomy – This is for the serious student who wants to understand more about how the body works.  As one of my teachers used to say, “There shouldn’t be separate therapeutic yoga classes because yoga should be therapeutic.”  Understanding the biomechanics of the body will help you work therapeutically in all of your postures.  This is also for those recent graduates of teacher training programs who now want to refresh their understanding of anatomy.


Philosophy/Mediation –The Yoga Sutras are meant to show us how the practices of yoga can help us lead extraordinary lives.   We will use Stephen Cope’s book:  The Wisdom of Yoga:  A Seeker’s guide to Extraordinary Living.  This course will include meditation practice, reading from Cope’s book as well as from the Yoga Sutras themselves.  We will learn the theory as well as the practical applications of a yoga sadhana, or yoga practice. 


Teacher Training – I’d like to offer a teacher training program for serious students who are looking to take a deep dive into asana, anatomy and philosophy.  I’d like to spread the work out over a longer period of time but with shorter and more frequent meetings.  I am looking for a minimum of 2 students and a maximum of 6.  Students must have the ability to take class with me on a regular basis.