Karin Eisen Yoga

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Zoom Classes Online

Join Me On Zoom. Here’s How It Works.

First, I want to apologize to all of you who experienced difficulty signing on to my Zoom classes this past Saturday.  I had warned everybody that I was going to put a password requirement on future meetings because of the New York Times article on “Zoombombing.” 

As I created the meetings for the week of 9th through the 14th, I added the password requirement.  What I didn’t realize is that it converted any meeting I had previously set up to require a password.  I’m still learning this technology, as all of you are, too. 

Going forward, I will use the same ID# 653 503 3880 and the password will be in my newsletter.

If you ever have any difficulty signing in, please text me.  If you don’t have my phone number, email me (now) to get it.  (It is listed in the bottom of all of my e-mails.) While I can usually see and answer a text at the beginning of class, I don’t check emails until later. 

How to Join a Class:

  • Download Zoom and create a free account. After you do that, click “Join a Meeting.”  You will need my Meeting ID# and Password to join.  (see above)

  • If this is your first time, sign on early to get familiar with the set-up.

  • There are three things you have control over:  your microphone, your video feed and how you see your screen.

  • Microphone:  You can turn your microphone on or off.  Leave it on in the time before class officially starts to talk to anyone on the screen.  But, please mute yourself once class has started.  If your microphone is on during class, anytime you make a noise, your screen will be the one everyone else sees.  You may unmute yourself at anytime to ask a question.  Alternatively, there is a chat box that you can type into.  I usually do not see the chat box during class.  Chat is better for general comments, questions or feedback.

  • Video:  I know some of you would rather not be seen on screen.  Believe me, there are times I would like to turn my video screen off, too!  You may have reasons to turn your feed off, I get it.  However, I do ask that if you are taking my class that you at least turn your camera on in the beginning to say “hi.”  It is a little weird to have someone watching you and you don’t know who they are.  So, please introduce yourself, say hi and then turn your video off.

  • Screen:  Gallery View and Speaker View.  In gallery view, you see everyone who is on the call.  It’s fun to see who you know.  But, if you switch to speaker view, you will see me in a large screen and everyone else will be minimized.  This is probably the screen you want to see.

Before class begins:

  • Gather your props.  I recommend 2 blocks, a belt and a blanket.  If you do shoulder stand, you will need 3 – 4 blankets.

  • Set up your device or computer approximately 6-8′ away from your mat so I can see your entire pose. This means the edge of your mat should be view able.  Ideally your mat should be horizontal with the long edge running right to left. Please set you mat up square to the camera, rather than at an angle.

  • I won’t be able to see you very well if the lighting is too low or if you are silhouetted against a window.

  • If you want to practice in private without me seeing you, please introduce yourself or say “hi” first and then turn your video off.

During class:

  • Remember that this is a different format than an in-person class. I will try to see as much as I can based on your position to the camera.  However, I will not be able to help students like I could if we were physically together.

  • Please take care of yourself! If something is not appropriate for you, please opt out of the pose. If I am not offering a modification that works for you, please feel free to improvise.

After Class

  • Stay on for a few minutes after class to chat, if you want.

  • Please e-mail me with any questions, comments, concerns or feedback you have.

  • Let me know if there any poses, or specific body parts you want to work on in future classes.


  • I am asking for those who can to pay at least $5 per class. Some of you may be in tight circumstances and cannot pay. Others have generously paid more in order to keep these online yoga classes going for themselves and for others. I have been operating on the honor system. These classes are important for the normalcy they bring to our lives. I benefit from the contact with you all as much as you benefit from the yoga I can provide.

  • I accept payments from Venmo: @Karin-Eisen, or PayPal: PayPal.me/karineisen. Some prefer to send payments through snail mail: Please e-mail me for my address, or respond to this post in the comments below.

Be patient with me, the technology and with yourself.  This is all new and we are all doing the best we can!    I look forward to seeing you in class.

Anything else?